Ferreomodelo Marklin

Ferreomodelo Marklin
maquete Marklin

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Artist Biography and Prizes


Heitor Luiz Murat is a Rio de Janeiro-based artist with a strong scientific background (He is a physicist with Master degrees both in Computing and Operations Research and a Systems Engineering Doctor with post-doctoral Research in Organizational Psychology with intense activity in Multimedia, Innovative Marketing and Culture Transformation), who creates awe-inspiring works out of some of the most unlikely things. His art focuses on large-scale and mid-size paintings in  paper using mixed techniques with building blocks such as pencil drawings, paintings, photos, objects, which he calls Techno-bricks, and are subsequently digitized to be transformed  by various software procedures to obtain a 2D  virtual image to be printed and dreamed in the real world as it should happen in a peaceful MATRIX World. 
For years, Murat’s touring exhibit – The Expo Murat – has entertained and inspired  art lovers and enthusiasts around the Americas.  It is the only exhibition focusing exclusively Cyber Art  following the principles of Digital Art Manifesto (Manifesto da Arte Informatizada authored by him in 1984 to express the view of a community of various digital artists) as an art medium. The creations, beginning internationally as early as 1973, interwoven  with his literary  and scientific work, were awarded important Medals and Prizes in Brazil such as Revista Brasilia Medal, Monteiro Lobato Medal, Antonio Parreiras Medal, King John VIth Medal and others. His books sold more than a quarter of a million copies. 
Born in Rio de Janeiro,  he studied in Britain and traveled extensively in the US, Americas and the world both lecturing as University professor and as IBM Consultant and Scientific Advisor in Multimedia Art and Technology. He drew cartoons, wrote award winning lyrics, theatre plays, stories and poems, performed many presentations of his work. Since 1997 he intensified his art work production following advances in Computer Technology that enabled him to enhance  effects that were until this moment painstakingly difficult to obtain. Murat’s ability to transform Techno - bricks into something new, his devotion to scale and color perfection, the way he conceptualizes the action and abstraction of the subject matter, enables him to elevate an ordinary set of common things  to the status of fine art.
 According to Brazilian Art critics, “Murat is a surrealist mash-up of forms and artists. Imagine Portinari crossed with  Hopper, or Rapoport crossed with Hokusai, or Scliar combined with Picasso and you get a sense of where he is coming from, but you will never know where his creativity will take him.  His previous work is reknown to concentrate in things dissolving in the universe, spirals, skylines, nature, nudes, girls and colour abctractions, oscillating between an objectivist minimalism and an explosive wall of colour. But he continues to create daily, with new market-oriented themes while accepting commission work from around the world. Innovating also in Art Business Models he does art on demand, design with the client, swop-sale (REBUYING WITH EXCHANGE IN TWO TO FIVE YEARS),  art temporary rental, art leasing, art trunk show.


Critique of the Work of Art

Critique of the art work
…The work of Murat is computerized with emotion and contains the most direct elements of fine art creation …
…Murat handles with dexterity  text and images and does not transistorize the irreplaceable vaccum tube feelings of this old crystal radio receiver called Heart.
Hermínio Belo de Carvalho
Art Researcher and Critic
“ Murat succeeded to give poetry to the computer, and dreams to the robot, joining machine and art , imprisoning in the  web of circuits a blue butterfly.. “
João de Barro  - Braguinha
Murat, your poems are paintings, just as your paintings are poems.
 Murillo Araujo, poet
Murat’s technopictorial adventures are surprising, awe-inspiring and non-conformist. 
Paulo Moacir Garcez,
Heitor, as a last and true renaissantist fuses Beauty and Technology in his images.
Carlos Scliar, Painter
Murat’s Poetic illustrations are systems of colours, aromas and sounds representing endless and beginningless Multiverses
Newton Rossi - Poet
Murat’s paintings are his cosmic vision with the feet on earth.
Oscar Tecídio, painter
Murat as painter and poet has been  a blue ocean
Mauro Castro - Poet
Murat's Work is an invitation to transgression, his digital art is a sweet visual revolution that challenges the tyranny and oppression of tradition by opening the doors to the future.
Fausto Wolff (Writer and Journalist)
Murat in his theatre plays and scenic illustrations is very skilful in building transcultural  bridges between our modern world and  the mosaic of ethnic universes from Brazil .
Dias Gomes playwright
Heitor Luiz Murat’s own PIONEER digital artwork reflects the curiosity and intelligence of a scientist combined with the heart and intuition of an artist. He explores many different styles and approaches, all developed with great conviction. If some of these works look familiar in their approach, remember it is because Heitor Luiz Murat was there first, paving the way for the rest of us interweaving painting, literature and Science.

Cultural Prizes, Awards and Medals

Cultural Medals from Brasilia
Maria Congregation, Revista Brasilia and Rotary
Cultural Medals from Niterói
D. Joao VI and Antonio Parreiras

Medal Monteiro Lobato SÃO PAULO


New Images



Landseeriana - Lata d'água na cabeça

Medalha Zumbi dos Palmares
Defesa dos Direitos Humanos, Vida, Cultura Afrobrasileira


                       Beach polygons                                           Flowers in vase

Comendas de Mérito Cultural  AFBA e Thomé de Souza - Falasp

                 Red Squares and Polygons

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