Ferreomodelo Marklin

Ferreomodelo Marklin
maquete Marklin

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

Repercussões na Mídia Nacional e Internacional

Repercussões em diversos veículos divulgam a obra do Professor Quintella em arte informatizada

A revista inglesa Arts & Illustrators exibe e avalia  obras de Murat.

Do exterior reconhecimento vem de Institutos de Arte

Cleveland Institute of Art

Digital Pioneer Heitor Luiz Murat, 
by Scott Ligon

Heitor Luiz Murat is a true pioneer of digital art and a laureated artist member of The Fine arts academy of Rio de Janeiro State.
He is an artist and physicist living in Rio de Janeiro with Masters degrees in both Computing and Operations Research and a Systems Engineering Doctorate with post-doctoral Research in Organizational Psychology with intense activity in Multimedia, Innovative Marketing and Culture Transformation traveling extensively both lecturing as a University professor and as an IBM Consultant and Scientific Advisor in Multimedia Art and Technology. In 1984 he authored the Digital Art Manifesto (Manifesto da Arte Informatizada) to express the view of a community of various digital artists about digital technology as an art medium.

Heitor Luiz Murat’s own digital artwork reflects the curiosity and intelligence of a scientist combined with the heart and intuition of an artist. He explores many different styles and approaches, all developed with great conviction. If some of these works look familiar in their approach, remember it is because Heitor Luiz Murat was there first, paving the way for the rest of us interweaving painting, literature and Science.


Heitor's work in the digital works realm is highly interesting,
and he cuts across disciplinary lines of art, science and management.
Mikko Koria DSc (Econ) MBA (DesMgmt) MSc (Arch) Development Director
 International Design Business Management (IDBM) Program
Aalto University School of Art and Design
Helsinki - Finland

Aalto is the largest art university in the Nordic countries, and was founded in 1871.

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